We took Brad to a Redhawks game on 6/14 for Father's Day and his parents joined us. The game was to start at 6pm, didn't get started until 7:05!! Dylan I think had more fun eating and watching all the people around him then he did actually watching the game! He is my people watcher and everytime Hawkeye came around, he just glared at him, not a fan that's for sure!!!
Then you have Grant, who absolutely loves the sport of baseball, much to his Dad's liking! He enjoyed every minute of the game, that
we got to see anyway! Such a ham ball he is!!

Then around 7:50 they announced that we all had to leave the field area due to a tornado warning that was just issued until 8:20. We could either leave on our own choosing or go underneath the stands. We chose to go under the stands to be safe with the kids. They surprisingly did very well! About 8:30 were able to go back up and we watched it poor under the overhang and took some pretty awesome pictures! We ended up not getting to see the end of the game however as they didn't get it restarted until 10:15! So we will have to shoot for another game soon that we can get in more than 2 innings!