The boys really enjoyed Easter this year, the older they get the more they get excited! They were able to color eggs at our home, and both grandparents' so they thought that was pretty exciting! We also made a trip out to Bismarck to celebrate Brad's grandma's 90th birthday and of course there was a hotel with a water slide involved!! They live to go to hotels with big pools and slides!! At least Grant loves the slides, Dylan isn't so sure about them just yet.

Here are the 3 great grandsons with Grandma Doris looking all springy!

Grant loved this waterslide! I think poor Brad went down it 100 times with him!
Here is a family picture, turned out okay, not too bad for 2 young boys!

Coloring easter eggs with dad! Grant did great but Dylan loved to color his hands just as much as the eggs! Oh well!
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