Yes we are still here, just been super busy over the last 2 months or so! I will try and catch up on things as much as I can and hopefully get up to date and then start blogging more often again!
Well here goes
nothin.... First day of Kindergarten. I think the first day of actual school for your first born is a bitter sweet day. You have looked forward to the big day since they started talking, but then at the same time, wish they would still be in diapers! Grant was so ready to start school and we are so thankful we gave him the extra year in preschool to grow and mature into the 6 year old he is now. He had no problems going to school, meeting new friends or riding a bus for the first time. However, I don't think mom had such a good go with it as he did! Oh well, that's part of growing up right! Dylan wanted to go right with him however, so we struggled with that a bit as they have been so used to being with each other every day for the last 4 years. He has now since adjusted but that first month was awful dropping him off at daycare and Grant at school that I had to have Brad start the drop offs with Dylan! We are thankful that some friends of ours has a daughter in Grant's class and they stop by our house every morning to pick up Grant for school! They just love this time together!
Eating breakfast before heading out the door! Dylan at this point thinks he is going with Grant still, notice the big smile on his face. This soon will change!
Grant's table at school, he found his spot and
nametag and was ready to get started!
The happy and excited Kindergartner!
Dylan's smile isn't so big anymore as he is realizing that Grant is actually staying here and he is leaving without him.
Starting school is such a big step in growing up. It's hard to let go of your once newborn baby and see them walk through those school doors for the first time or get off that bus for the first time. I made it through dropping him off until I got to my car to shed the tears. I didn't want him to see me do that and think they weren't happy tears! Grant, you are one special boy, you are kind, loving and respectful of others. We love you so much and couldn't be more proud of you in your first year of Kindergarten!!!