Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Well the day finally arrived, a day I had been waiting for since the day I bought the tickets. Dave Matthews came to MN finally!~! What a wonderful group of family/friends that went along for the journey!! Love all of these people! and we all share a love for DMB!!!

Here we are on the way to the concert!!!

Us girls out at the ranch waiting for the main show! I have to say, none of us knew what to expect at the 10KLF as we have never attened the festival before, but it was amazing. Everyone was pretty tame and just loved the music that was being played on all stages! Stef and I had plans to see him together about 4 years ago, but Brad ended up being my date. So glad she was able to be there this time!!!!

Dave on stage! We ended up with great spots to stand during his concert!!! Closest any of us had been to the stage when seeing him. In the past at his concerts we are pretty close to the back and he looks like an ant! Not this time!!! In the future, we will be seeing him outdoors!

More Dave on Stage!!! Gotta love it! Here is Matty, Amber and myself during the concert! What a great night it was out there!

Sporting our new shirts we bought after the concert!!! Don't you just love our pose! hahah

Post concert Nachos at Zorbaz! Yumm!! Troy and Brad were great drivers that night! Dropped us off and picked us up and brought us to get food!! Such great sports!

This was one of the best concerts I have seen and can't wait to plan our next trip to see him outdoors next year!!! Haven't decided, Wisconsin or Colorado yet! Stay tuned.....

1 comment:

Marie said...

Love the pics! So happy you had a fantastic time!