Well this was it, Grant's final Pre-K graduation. We chose to hold him back 1 year so he took his Pre-K class twice and was able to attend graduation twice because of it! This time it was difficult when I saw class of 2023 to think that was going to be the year he would finish High School. The kids put on such a great program for us and he had so much fun doing it!

This is Dylan and Grant with their teacher that helped out in both of their classes this year. Dylan will have Grant's teachers now for the next 2 years as well. We decided to hold him back as well with them both having July birthday's and I think giving them that extra year to mature is such a great thing, especially for boys! They sure need it!

Here is us with the new graduate, happy as can be!

In front of the school the boys will attend through 9th grade! Lots of years will be spent here!
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